The Revealing Spring

It’s starting to maybe look like spring could finally make an appearance up here in southwestern Ontario. We have had a few days of above zero weather and that always leads to one of my favorite things about spring: random items slowly revealed in snowbanks. The other night was my first object seem this year. Someone was unfortunate enough to lose their nice running shoe this winter.


Apple Pie on a Stick


My awesome friend always bakes fancy things. Today was Apple Pie Pops.  That’s right people, Apple Pie on a stick. They were delicious and portable.  Best idea ever, I say.  I’m now trying to convince her to do other various pies on sticks.  I’m hoping for pumpkin!!

I Guess Advertising Really Does Work…

I used to be a real movie buff.  I mean, I used to see everything that was in theatres, just to go to the movies.  Once, my friends and I went to see something and there was nothing left at the theatre that we hadn’t seen.  I LOVE movies and didn’t care that it was what I spent most of my money on.

Over the last few years, I realized that I hadn’t been going to see as many movies as I did once.  In face, I see maybe three or four a year instead of five or six a month.  For a while I assumed it was because most movies nowadays weren’t as good as the ones I had watched back when I was a teenager/in my early twenties.  Then I thought perhaps just my tastes had matured and I wasn’t interested in the same things I had been back then.  This is probably a small factor, everyone changes their tastes as they age.

However, in the last little while, I’ve come to the conclusion that it may be a different factor entirely that has something to do with it.

I gave up television three years ago.  I cancelled cable and got myself a subscription to Netflix and I never looked back.  I couldn’t take the fact that it cost almost one hundred dollars a month for what amounted to about 5 channels that I watched regularly. 

I have found that, without being constantly bombarded by commercials and advertisements, I am far less likely to buy crap I don’t need; this includes going to see movies, apparently.  If I’m not constantly subjected to watching the trailers, it seems that I don’t really know or care about their existence.

When I visit my friends’ houses or I’m at my parents, I find myself being drawn back in whenever there’s a trailer for a movie that I didn’t know about.  I get all excited when I see something I hadn’t before and then I want to see it in the theatre. 

So, I have come to the realization that my need to see movies is mainly based on being inundated with advertisements for them on the television.  I still love movies but I’ve become far more picky about them and I only ever see the ones I really want to see instead of almost everything I see a trailer for.

Next up on the list of ones that I’m definitely seeing…A Good Day to Die Hard.  Because how the hell could I ever miss out on seen a Die Hard movie in the theatre?

A Fashionable Battle

I was talking to a co-worker on break today when the subject of clothing came up and I was shocked to discover that her boyfriend is vehemently against wearing blue jeans and sneakers together in an ensemble.

After I picked my jaw up off of the floor I began peppering her with questions about this, such as, “What does he think you SHOULD wear with jeans?” and “What the heck does he wear with sneakers if not jeans?”.  She answered my questions patiently, stating that apparently he thinks you should only wear things like casual dress shoes (loafers and such) with jeans and sneakers should only be worn with athletic-type pants (yoga pants/Adidas workout type pants, etc…).

I still couldn’t fathom this as, outside of work, my entire wardrobe consists of wearing t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.  I can’t imagine never wearing the two together as so many people that I see on a daily basis, in real life and on television, wear sneakers and jeans together.  So I started asking around at work.  I surveyed my co-workers to find out what their thoughts were on the subject.  One person immediately said that she didn’t think you should ever wear jeans with sneakers but most everyone else seemed as confused as I was.

Some people immediately answered that it was, of course, a normal and acceptable fashion trend and others had conditions and questions, as follows:

  • never wear sneakers with skinny jeans – I wholeheartedly agree with this because a) skinny jeans are mostly ridiculous and b) that is a fashion statement best left in the 80’s
  • on the flip side, it was mentioned that, as the sneakers were referred to as “running shoes” in my email, one should never wear jeans when running in sneakers – point taken
  • it was pulled into question as to what constitutes running shoes – most believed that athletic sneakers, Converse, skate shoes, and anything like them were considered applicable
  • a suggestion was made that one should never wear jeans and a jean jacket at the same time – this was immediately identified as a Canadian Tuxedo (I swear…I totally don’t do this…much)
  • Our wonderful IT guy also wanted to know if the shoes were blue – I didn’t have an answer for this but it did make me laugh

In the end, the total ended up being 13 people agreeing that it was normal and acceptable to wear sneakers with blue jeans and 2 people being against the concept entirely.  It was also agreed that it would depend on when/where you were sporting this outfit as to whether it would be okay.

Anyone else want to put in their 2 cents?  Answer below:

I Walked Into the Past….

A few of the local Zellers stores closed down in our city in 2012 and they had massive clearance sales before they closed their doors for good.  The Boyfriend and I decided to check it out and see if we could score anything for cheap.

We were in the electronics section when I came across something from a bygone era hanging on one of the shelves.  I was immediately swept back to middle and high school and I was shocked that these were still in production let alone available for purchase anywhere other than the internet:

2012-03-30 19.04.55

And there you have it, folks…a discman.  Something not been seen since the late 90’s to early 2000’s.  I definitely had one of my own and it went everywhere with me in a backpack full of CD’s; until of course I got my first mp3 player, that is.  So let’s all toast a piece of history that I’m sure was a part of all our teenage worlds back then.

But really? $40 for the damn thing?  I can’t see it being wanted for any reason let along someone paying that much for them.  Perhaps that is why the Zellers are turning into Targets up here…

An Open Letter to the Moron Living on My Floor…

One of my most hated things about living in an apartment is dealing with the other people living in their own little boxes around me.  For the most part, I have found that my neighbours are great but something that really grinds my gears about living on a floor with 13 other apartments full of people is the other peoples’ use of the garbage chute.

Granted, our garbage chute is smaller than in other buildings I’ve lived in, but it’s not that hard to realized that once the garbage bag is a certain amount of the way full, you then must replace it because anything else won’t fit down the damn chute.

I don’t know how many times I’ve taken our trash to the little room where the garbage chute is and found it jammed with someone else’s garbage.  Most of the time it’s a bag with diapers in it so shame on the lazy ass parent who is teaching their child to be a useless tool in life as well.  Like we need more of those running around.

It’s not even just jamming the chute…I could deal with that with limited rage if it was only that.  However, most of the time some idiot has broken the whole door right out of the wall and it’s hanging there by chains.  Worse, the other day it was just lying on the ground and completely destroyed.  I don’t even know how something like that happens but we only live on the 4th floor.  It’s not that hard to take the elevator down to the basement and throw it in the dumpster if it’s obviously not going to fit down the hole in the wall.

The absolute worst this mystery jerk did was break a glass jar (obviously putting recycling down the garbage instead of into the bins).  There was glass all over the floor in the chute room as well as spread all out into the hallway in front of the elevator.  So at this point it’s just a safety hazard.

I really have no point to this post rather than I’m sure The Boyfriend is sick of hearing about the horrid person on our floor that keeps doing this every time I take the garbage out.  I thought about leaving a scathing note but as of yet I haven’t been quite that angry yet.

Cat Fancy!!


Sometimes you find the most nifty things in the laundry room of an apartment building.

This particular volume shares information on using music to soothe my savage Mr. Peep and comes with a free poster!

I definitely scored big time!

In case anyone didn’t catch it, sarcasm is heavily present in the above…